showing 3 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth OziSoft;CRL1984 book exploration falldamage gameplayinn julesverne ledges platformer subterranean uvl-confusable labelimageminimize
Prince of Persia ? (Domark)1993 antiquity arabianfantasy arabiannights cinematicplatformer did flipscreens itemget ledges meleeweapons noaircontrol oldarabian-theme pop-original potions princeofpersia prototype realtimelimit rescue semiteprotagonist simulacrums skeletons labelimagesubject
Prince of Persia author2011 antiquity arabianfantasy arabiannights assemblylang cartridge cinematicplatformer did download flipscreens gameplayinn itemget ledges license-proprietary meleeweapons noaircontrol oldarabian-theme pop-original potions princeofpersia realtimelimit rescue rotoscoping semiteprotagonist simulacrums skeletons labelimageminimize